Researchers have found that benralizumab injections are more effective than steroid pills in treating asthma attacks and COPD. The new method reduces the need for further treatment by 30% and improves the quality of life of patients.
Лікарі знайшли новий спосіб лікування нападів астми та хронічної обструктивної серйозної хвороби легень (ХОЛЗ), який є проривом першим за останні 50 років і може змінити процес лікування пацієнтів, пише УНН з посиланням на Хранитель.
According to the study, offering patients injections was more effective than treating them with steroid pills, and this reduces the need for further treatment by 30%.
Benralizumab is a monoclonal antibody that targets specific white blood cells called eosinophils to reduce lung inflammation. It is used as a repeated treatment for severe asthma in a small dose, but studies have shown that a large single dose can be very effective if administered during an exacerbation.
This can change the treatment process for people with asthma and COPD. The treatment of asthma and COPD exacerbations has not changed in the last 50 years, despite the fact that together they cause 3.8 million deaths worldwide per year. Benralizumab is a safe and effective medication that is already used to treat severe asthma. We used the drug in a different way-at the time of exacerbation – to show that it is more effective than steroid pills, which are the only treatment currently available
– says the lead researcher, Professor Mona Bafadel from King's College London.
The study involved 158 people who needed emergency medical attention due to an asthma attack or COPD. Patients were given a quick blood test to determine what type of attack they were having. In addition, those who suffered from "eosinophilic exacerbation" were also suitable for treatment. Scientists note that about 50% of asthma attacks are eosinophilic exacerbations, and 30% of COPD attacks.
Після цього були проведені переклади з Королівського в Лондонський університет NHS Foundation Trust і Фонду Гая І Сент-Томаса NHS Foundation Trust.
Patients were divided into three groups.
- One group received benralizumab injections and dummy pills.
- The other group received standard prednisone steroid therapy of 30 mg daily for five days and a dummy injection.
- The third group received injections of benralizumab and steroids.
after 28 days, the researchers found that symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and sputum discharge improved in those who took benralizumab.
After 90 days, there were four times fewer people in the benralizumab group for whom the treatment was ineffective, compared to those who received steroids. According to the researchers, treatment with benralizumab injection also took longer to declare it unsuccessful, which meant fewer visits to the general practitioner.
In addition, people also reported that their quality of life improved. According to scientists, steroids can have serious side effects, such as an increased risk of diabetes and osteoporosis, which means that switching to benralizumab has an advantage.
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